Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Heart Legaspi Sunday Market

Hello there! How was your weekend? I hope it went great because mine was fun and full of laughs.

Well, last Sunday, I went to the Legaspi Sunday Market with my friends. Actually I always go there with my family, but this time I wanted to write about it and show my new found friends from Germany and Austria around this place. It’s a parking area turned into a market every Sunday morning until afternoon. As they say, the market is one of Makati’s undiscovered food haven. I would exactly describe it as a place of mixed of cultures.
The Legaspi SundayMarket is located at Legaspi Park, Legaspi Village, Makati City. There are no jeepneys that pass by the area but you can always take a taxi cab to get there.
First thing I saw when we went in was this cute Christmas lantern. What made it quite unique was that instead of using paper or plastic, they used cloth. This is what I like in this market, almost every thing they sell is recycled and eco-friendly.

 Merry Christmas!!! Just a few more days to go, see anything you’d like to add to your wishlist?
 Some of the candles were sold a Php100  for 3 pieces. That’s good and affordable for me, especially with these unique designs.

Another stall that caught my eye? Shell! I love shells! They sold the necklaces for Php150 and the earrings of Php100. The designs are also intricate. I found a heart shaped shell, This is going in my Wishlist!
Earlier, I mentioned about the place being a food haven right? Well here’s a few pictures of the food stalls there.
 Php 220 per food serving, looks pricey but the serving is big! it is good for 2-3 people. The taste is exceptional!

Korean cuisine, also sold at Php 220 per serving. This is also good for 2-3 people. This is one of Marco’s favorite food stalls, he orders the meaty dish, the one that is being scooped in the picture. The meat is so soft and big servings! Best to share!
One will also find French, Swiss and other European cuisines. There are also Asian cuisine aside from Korean. There’s Indonesian, Chinese and of course Filipino food.
 Bud-Bud Kabog seems like a normal suman, but there is a surprise in every bite! Starts at Php 12 – 30 each. You have a choice of different fillings! It is the first time I encountered a chocolate filled suman and a mango filled suman. It may sound weird to mix these up, but to my surprise it was delicious! My new found friends from Germany and Austria loved it! This is definitely a must try when you go to legaspi market.

Here are other interesting stalls there in legaspi market:

 They sell organic food such as these. Organic food are healthier to eat since chemicals were not used on the plants. Legaspi market is a great and healthy place to do your weekly groceries.

 These are flavored Honey. They have Mango and Sunflower flavor.

 For those who like liquor, maybe you could try this lemon flavored vodka. Marco got to try some and it had that vodka hot taste with a little sweetness. This is good to combination in your cooking as well.

And if you’re an artsy person, you’re going to like these.

 As we were going around, I saw this cute stall selling shirts with hand-painted prints. I’m in love with vintage finds and this one looked like one so I asked the owner about the shirts and we started chatting. Her concept is all about love in this world. Her son is the one making the designs and then she paints them on the shirts. I really liked it, so Marco and I bought shirts. There are a variety of sizes and designs which sold for Php495 each.

 After going around, my friends and I had lunch and munched on sweet delights such as suman(sweet sticky rice) and carabao milk.

This is the mango filled suman from bud-bud kabog stall. They loved it! Suman has always had that plain rice taste so sugar and coconut as a dip is needed. But with the mango filled suman you don’t need! It goes great by itself. Chocolate suman is also available!
There is still so much we missed out, this blog post is too small to cover everything going on in legaspi market. We will be posting more about this in the future.
Another intriguing thing about legaspi market is that the stalls change! Some are added and some are moved! So sometimes they’re not at the same place as they were before. So expect something new or different everyweek.
I definitely enjoyed that day with my friends. I hope you did too!
Watch out for the next food adventure and see you again soon.

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